Support civil engineer for calculating test results at site work quickly by smart phone.
The software is based on the following popular standards:
Rev 1:
- Core method: AASHTO T204, and ASTM D2937 Density of Soil in Place by the Drive-Cylinder Method.
- Sand replacement method: AASHTO T 191, and ASTM D1556 Density of Soil In-Place by the Sand-Cone Method.
- Cylinder samples: AASHTO T22, and ASTM C39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens.
- Cube samples: BS 1881, and BS EN 12390 Testing hardened concrete.
- Manual link:
Rev 1.1:
- Adjust concrete mix proportion with actual aggregate moisture content:ACI 211.1
- Manual link:
Rev 1.2:
- Numbering test items in main layout
- Add Save/Load operation for Adjust mix design (OD). Help user save concrete mix proportion and reuse conveniently. Don't need to remember many data when user reuse.
- Manual link:
Rev 2.0:
- Add new module: Soil/Sieve Analysis
- Add new module: Steel/Reinforcement Bar
- Manual link:
Rev 2.1:
- Improve visual for Main layout
- Add "Delete All" and "Update" functions for record of remaining modules which have "Save Screen"
- Add "Backup" and "Restore" functions for "Save Screen". Help user reuse data when changing new device or update software.
- Manual link:
Rev 2.2
- Improve code
- Add "Update" item
- Add "2nd Admixture" for Concrete/Adjust mix design.
- Remove "Load" button